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Showing posts from January, 2018

Cloudiness to Eye - Light through Cataract Surgery

View More The lens of our eye refracts light rays that come into the eye by which we can see. If you there is cataract , then the lens become cloudy and the vision will be blurry, hazy or less colorful. To remove and replace the lens with an artificial one i.e. intraocular lens (IOL) , the cataract surgery is performed. But the lens may be become cloudy again after the surgery. This is known as posterior capsular opacification (PCO) . It's also called scar tissue or secondary cataract. According to JOEL HUNTER, MD in his article ‘On Wisdom and Cataracts’ – “The way the lens inside the eye is designed, continues to grow with age, and since it’s in a closed capsule the new layers that are forming in the lens each year compress the older ones deeper down. This is the reason that no person has an eye that can see both distance and near after a certain age (usually between 42 and 48). And it is also the reason that the lens develops a yellow tint to it in the 40s t...

Era of Modern Ophthalmology through Traditional Plant Remedies

Click to Visit The administration of  eye problems  by chemical drugs with no side effects is yet to test for therapeutic framework. But the natural and traditional medicines can possibly defeat the confinements related with regular medications. Accordingly; numerous endeavors have been made to distinguish new  therapeutic plants  from various sources due to their viability, less symptoms and generally minimal effort. Around 200 plants worldwide have been recorded to help treatment of eye issue. The investigation  ‘A REVIEW ON AYURVEDIC MEDICINAL PLANTS FOR EYE DISORDERS FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN ERA’ reveals that , i n the Ayurvedic system of medicine mentioned in ancient Indian books ( Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Bhav prakasha, Ras Tarang , Nayan Drastam and  Astanghrida)  there are so many plants used in  ophthalmic disorders . In Ayurveda (Indian system of medicine) various vision disorders like  Adhimanth ...